Answer: portocaval anastamosis is the anastamosis between the portal circulation and systemic circulation.
The normal function o fthe portal vein is to carry deoxygenatd blood from the Gastrointestinal tract to liver for detoxification.But when there is any block in the portal circulation the blood should reach the systemic circulation,it is done by this portocaval anastamosis.
One of the potential site of portocaval anastamosis is lower part of the esophagus.
Left gastric vein (branch of portal vein ) anastamose with the lower esophageal vein of azgous vein.
So, when there is any blockage in the portal circulation ,it can cause swelling over the lower part of the esophagus and it is called esophageal varices.
Other portocaval anastamosis are
Lower part of the rectum: anastamosis between superior rectal vein (portal branch) with middle and inferior rectal veins. swelling is called Hemorrhoid.
paraumbilical regin : between the para umbilical vein and superiorepigastric vein
Retroperitoneal :colic vein (portal branch) with veins of posterior abdominal wall
patent ductus venosis: left branch of the portal vein and inferior venecava