Honor Code

Here at Quizgoat.com, we believe in the freedom to live our lives in ways that expand our knowledge, to move respectfully through the world, to support those who need it, and to be of service always. Your education and learning goals are our goals. Academic integrity is key to our beliefs and our platform.

We think it's important to preserve this integrity by protecting ownership of the resources posted by our users. That's why we created our Honor Code. Use of this site infers that users have reviewed our Honor Code and agree to comply with the information therein. Here it is:

Quizgoat.com is a learning sharing platform, not a cheating platform. Don't share things that you don't have the right or permission to share. Don't upload another person's study notes or class docs. Make sure you understand your instructor and institution's directives regarding dissemination of class materials before posting to quizgoat.com. If your teacher tells you to not use any outside help for an assignment, don't use this site; you are solely responsible for your use of quizgoat.com.

We're here so our users can learn by sharing and interacting with their fellow human beings. We're a society of sharers for the good. Let's keep it that way.

Share Honor Code Violation Concerns

Please contact us via this form if you discover information that is in violation of our Honor Code. We'll be happy to resolve the issue.

A message will be sent to your email address with instructions