Compare and contrast the two paintings by Juan de Valdés Leal and Audrey Flack, discussing the context of vanitas paintings and how the two paintings reflect the society and culture of the time periods through symbolic messages.
Consider both Stonehenge and the Neolithic stemmed vessel of the Majiayao culture, included in this chapter of the text. Discuss the possible purposes for these works, along with their aesthetic qualities and technological requirements.
Brancusi sought to simplify and purify his forms. Discuss how he used tangible objects to convey the essence of a subject. Cite examples to support your answer.
What is the primary symbolism of a vanitas painting? Discuss at least two artists from different centuries who have created such works and indicate the reasons for the recurrence of the vanitas theme in art of various eras.
Consider the tenth-century C.E. bronze statue Shiva Nataraja. Discuss the importance of understanding the beliefs of the culture in which this work was created in order to develop an understanding of the meaning or message of the work. What cultural or religious function was the artist performing in creating this work?
According to the author, why do humans have the impulse to create art? A) To achieve superiority over animalsB) To explore aesthetic possibilitiesC) To construct images and forms that carry meaningD) To create order and structure
Consider Vincent van Gogh's work, The Starry Night, included in this chapter of the text. Explain which function of art this work best fulfilled for the artist and how it impacts you as a viewer.
List and explain the six social functions of art-or the purposes for which humans create art. Give an example of a work that illustrates each of the functions and explain why you selected this work to exemplify this function.
What methods were used by prehistoric painters?A) Animal fats and pigments were mixed together.B) Raw oil was used to make paint.C) Megaliths were mined for paint glazes.D) Powdered pigments were blown through hollow reeds.E) Animal hair was made into brushes.